Art Therapy

Art therapy is a school of experiential creative therapies which support the collaborative relationship between the client and the therapist. By using a variety of art modalities to give expression (explained below) this helps clients to better understand and respond to their own behaviours and emotions.

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Why choose Art Therapy?

At times, words can feel so limiting as not everyone is able to express themselves in a coherent verbal way. Artistic expressions can therefore be a vehicle to help unlock and give meaning to troublesome feelings, thoughts, and behaviours. Clients have found art therapy to be a friendly, fun, productive and less threatening environment as the therapy is focused on the experience of art making. Taking a holistic approach, it supports the individual’s emotional, intellectual, physical, and spiritual wellbeing to explore and improve self-knowledge, promote self-regulation, and reduce distress.

Who can be referred?

Art Therapy sessions are adapted to the individual differences of clients and considers each person’s cognitive and physical needs. It is suitable for adults, adolescents, and children who have or are experiencing:
• anxiety (social or other)
• depression
• bereavement
• family separation
• divorce
• family violence
• redundancy
• relocation or migration
• school refusal

What will happen in a session?

The therapist will work collaboratively with the client offering a variety of art modalities such as painting, drawing, poetry, creative writing, clay, sand, music making, or movement as an entry point into the art making experience. During the artmaking process the therapist may observe or be part of the artmaking experience. The therapist will provide space for checking-in together with opportunities for client self-reflection and further expression. At the conclusion, mutual feedback and/or an artistic response by the therapist will be offered.