Creative Counselling

Creative counselling is an adaptation of play therapy for adolescents and can also be used with adults. Due to the developmental age and stage of this client group we use a combination of talk-based counselling and play therapy tools. Like in child play therapy, play with adolescents and adults incorporates natural forms of expression for their developmental age. A range of mediums are utilised, such as music, art, creative writing/poetry, movement, symbols, images, games, sand tray work with miniatures, clay, and photography.

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“Inside every child there is a story that needs to be told”

Donald Woods Winnicott

Adolescents are more drawn to expressive arts for self-expression, turning to more arts-based methods of communicating and for building coping strategies such as: journaling, playing a musical instrument or song writing, painting or graffiti art.

In creative counselling the Therapist may use humanistic non directive play therapy approaches and/or more structured/directive activities depending on the client’s individual needs and abilities.

Play Therapy can be an effective treatment for adults who have experienced childhood trauma or to support someone with a disability.

“Establishing trust and building relationships are the cornerstone to effective therapy with adolescents”

(Gallo-Lopez & Schaefer, 2005)

Components of play are utilised through creative counselling sessions to support the adolescent or adult to gain an increased self-awareness and self-understanding in the safety and trust of the therapeutic relationship.