Family Play Therapy

Research has shown that working with the whole family system can have the most effective outcomes. We are passionate about supporting parents/carers to become the agent of change in their child’s life. We offer a range of family therapy programs.

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Filial Therapy (Parent/child play therapy)

Filial Therapy is a psychoeducational intervention which harnesses the power of play therapy (humanistic play therapy as described above) within the family context to empower the whole family.

Filial Therapy is a special kind of play therapy for the whole family. The word ‘filial therapy’ originates in Latin meaning “sons” or ‘daughters” it loosely translates to “parent-child”.

Parents/carers receive training and supervision to conduct weekly special play times with their children (including siblings of the focus child) using a range of play therapy skills.

Who can be referred?

Filial Therapy is suitable for children up to the age of 12 years with emotional, social or behavioural concerns, however, can also be adapted for children over the age of 12. Research has found that the following issues can be helped through Filial Therapy:

• Anxiety/depression
• Trauma and abuse
• Social difficulties
• Aggressive acting-out
• Noncompliance/defiance
• School avoidance
• Enuresis/encopresis (wetting/soiling issues)
• Obsessive compulsive behaviours
• Attachment difficulties

This is a collaborative approach whereby parents/carers are engaged as partners in the therapeutic process and empowered to become a key agent of change.

“Enter into children’s play and you will find the place where their minds, hearts, and souls meet”

Virginia Axline

Benefits of Filial Therapy:

• Improves the family’s communication and coping abilities
• Strengthens the parent-child relationships within the family
• Increase the family’s ability to have fun together
• Parents can develop an increased understanding of their child’s development, their feelings and motivations
• Parents will learn about the importance of play
• Develop parent’s self-confidence
• Reduction in the child’s problematic behaviours
• Children will be able to make better choices and take responsibility for them
• Increase the child’s self-confidence and self-esteem

To book an appointment or to find out more about Filial Therapy, please contact Jenny Lord.

Theraplay® (Parent/child attachment therapy)

Theraplay is a form of family play therapy that is used for building and enhancing attachment, self-esteem, trust in others and joyful interaction.

Theraplay is based on natural patterns of healthy interaction between parent and child, and is personal, physical, and fun. Theraplay interactions focus on four essential qualities found in parent-child relationships:

Theraplay sessions create an active and emotional connection between child and parents, resulting in a changed view of the child as worthy and lovable and of relationships as positive and rewarding.

Who can be referred?

Theraplay is suitable for children up to the age of 12 years with social, emotional, developmental and behavioural challenges. The program can also be adapted for children over the age of 12.

Internalising behaviours:

• Withdrawn
• Depression
• Fears
• Shyness

Externalising behaviours:

• Anger
• Acting out/aggression
• Noncompliance
• Relationship and attachment difficulties

Research has found that Theraplay can support children with regulation difficulties, Autism Spectrum Disorders, developmental delays, and with physical challenges.

Theraplay is particularly effective for supporting foster and adoptive families, for example, if a child has entered a new foster or adoptive placement Theraplay could help to build the child/caregiver attachment relationship and support carers to respond to the needs of the child where there has been a history of trauma.

To book an appointment or to find out more about Theraplay please contact us.