Parent Education and Support

Parenting can be very rewarding and enjoyable but at times it can feel very challenging and perhaps overwhelming. Sometimes we might need extra help to overcome some of these hurdles. You may be concerned about your child’s behaviours or want the time with your child to be more positive.

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Playful Parenting Group

This is a 10 session play based parent training group program. In a supportive and safe group environment parents learn skills to conduct weekly 30-minute special playtimes. During these playtimes the parents create an accepting relationship in which the child feels safe to express himself through the play. This programme is based on the Filial Therapy program but offered in a group format rather than an individual family.

Therapeutic Parenting

“It is a joy to be hidden, and a disaster not to be found”

The Therapeutic parenting sessions are informed by attachment and trauma sensitive approaches to support foster and adoptive carers but can support parents of children with a range of emotional and social difficulties. Parent coaching sessions provide a psychoeducational model drawing on information about the structure of the brain and ways to support children using a range of play therapy techniques.